Connect Indonesia was founded in January 2000 in the UK, by a small group of caring individuals who are passionate about Indonesia. This fully volunteer-driven community organisation brings together people who have interest in Indonesia and invites you to explore the archipelago to see some of the most beautiful places on our planet and to have a deeper understanding of our amazingly diverse culture and tradition. We would like to invite you to get involved in providing educational support to unprivileged children and support for human and economic development to unprivileged families.
Connect Indonesia is run purely by a group of unpaid, devoted and committed volunteers. Our projects are 100% grassroots, where we work directly with the beneficiaries. Our projects are financed by the volunteers’ pocket money and small donations donated by friends and family who believe in the positive changes we have achieved over the years. In 2014 and 2015 we organised a few small fundraising events in the UK and received a few small donations from a few caring individuals who believe in the changes we can make through our projects, and this donation has been the main funding to sustain our spectacles project which has been very successful reaching hundreds of weavers and batik artisans in remote location in Indonesia
As quoted by Margaret Mead: “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” This quote has strengthened our believes that each and every one of us can work together to form an amazing team of volunteers to create and manage successful and sustainable grassroots projects that can change people’s lives.
We are currently managing several community projects. Please view our PROGRAMMES, to see what we have done since 2000. Please visit our project updates to see what we have achieved so far and what we are still working hard on achieving.
Can you support us? Please get in touch. Thank you.